The prices listed below represent 20% of the total cost for our full in-house services.
Disclaimer: 20% is non-refundable!
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How long does it take to analyze problems pertaining to a specific section of the headbox/approach piping, Press or dryer ?
There are two approaches to conduct the analysis; either In-House or at the Mill- Site.
The In-House approach is done at PAPYRUS main headquarters once we receive the information based on the checklist provided (assuming the questions answered are complete and accurate).
The duration of the analysis including writing the report is one and half weeks.
For Mill – Site analysis in USA and Canada, the duration of the analysis is two weeks. One week at mill site and one week at PAPYRUS main office for time spent doing the calculations and writing the technical report.
For the one week at mill site, we leave Columbus, Ohio Monday at the earliest flight available and depart the mill site on Friday at a convenient time to arrive in Columbus, Ohio no later than 8.00 pm.
In some cases, due to poor flight connections and /or lengthy travel time, we leave Columbus, Ohio on Sunday instead of Monday.
For overseas visits due to the lengthy travel time, the duration of the analysis is two and half weeks.
How do you conduct the analysis?
Depending on the kind of design criteria of a section to be analyzed, we will email you our easy to follow checklist which is self-explanatory. This is to be filled out by the papermill process engineer.
Our checklist is classified into three categories:
These measurements are to be taken while the machine is shut down.
Once the checklist is completed, and the proper measurements are sent back to us, we will conduct the calculations utilizing our PAPYRUS Exclusive Computer Programs.
These complex calculations are translated back to you so that you may implement the necessary solutions easily, quickly and accurately at the operating floor.
Our analysis in some cases can unravel any hidden Problem areas that have gone unnoticed.
How can I obtain the checklist?
Our checklists are custom-made to cover any design criteria generally available in the paper industry. For example if the analysis is done in the headbox/approach piping systems, we have to know in advance what kind it is (open, air padded, or hydraulic). We also need to know if the machine is Flat Fourdrinier, Gap Former, Multi-Formers and who is the manufacturer.
In order to gain access to our checklist, we require an up-front down payment of 20% once you have committed to our services. This amount will be deducted from the overall cost for our analysis.
We will then immediately email you our checklist.
Following identifying the problem areas, how do you rate the success of a remedial solution?
We operate on a "Show and Tell" basis. This means how far the system is departing from PAPYRUS ideal conditions, the mill will see results.
If the system is running at an ideal condition, there will be no results. But we can assure you that in over three decades that we have been performing our services, these ideal conditions have never been met especially in the headbox/approach piping systems.
Why did you select the headbox/approach piping systems as always operating with less then ideal conditions?
This is a statement which PAPYRUS has been preaching since its inception.
Take for example, the calculation to define the jet speed in relationship to the wire speed which is currently performed at the main frame computers and DCS systems. While it is well understood that this is a powerful variable which has a major influence in sheet formation development and its strength properties, the equations in the current industry practice are considered mediocre and are taken off the shelf and not adapted to the specific design and application.
This state of inaccuracy has left the machine operator in a state of alarming confusion. As a result, a paper machine making the same grade may run with many different process settings according to the interpretations and preferences of the current Operator instead of a scientifically-based analysis. The result is like a car out of tune. The car runs but ultimately it gives poor gas mileage.
Do you have anything to support evidence of the above statement?
Of course we do. In our list of problem areas, you will find a strong connection between what the mill is struggling with on a daily basis to solve the typical problems associated with the headbox operation. This is an area where PAPYRUS always makes substantial contribution. The sheet formation sample in the problem areas category illustrates the dramatic improvement when the headbox process settings are applied based on PAPYRUS calculation.
What do you mean by scientifically – based analysis?
Our analysis is based on complex scientific equations, high level research materials done by universities and research institutions. Our role is to combine this knowledge along with our experience and apply them successfully.
The bottom line is: If you believe in science then you have to believe in this methodology.
Papyrus Inc.
Westerville, OH 43082
Dear Ahmed,
Congratulations for your nomination and subsequent Bronze Key Award. The Bronze Key Award is designed to recognize outstanding performance and achievement in "finding a better way." Your work on the # 4 headbox operating procedure is an example of an increase in business as a result of new approaches, ideas, and concepts. These aspects capture the essence of the Key To Finding A Better Way Program.
With this in mind, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your contribution. Efforts such as these help to ensure the continued success of James River.
In Addition, I have enclosed your Bronze Key lapel pin in recognition of your hard work.
As you already know, we are specialists in the scientific methodology in which we have served more than 650 machines in more than 500 companies worldwide – THAT’S A LOT!
It is time to take action to look at your hidden problems that you need help solving. Our approach has been time tested and proven with great results.
Simply click the button below to get started today.
I look forward to talking to you soon.